As state - owned presswork the similar condition that the factory faces general state - owned enterprise likewise.
作为 国有 印刷厂同样面临一般国企的类似境地.
互联网Meanwhile, make enterprise's special law for the public beneficial state - owned enterprise, state - run assets management organization, etc.
同时, 针对公益性 国有 企业 、 国有 资产管理机构等制定企业特别法.
互联网In case of approved debt - equity swap of state - owned enterprise.
经批准的 国有 企业债转股.
互联网Our labor workers were from the state owned enterprise.
互联网A: Is your company an SOE ( State ? Owned Enterprise )?
你们公司是国营企业 吗 ?
互联网The military - supplies enterprise is a special state - owned enterprise for providing military supplies insurance and services.
军需企业是 国有 企业中一支特殊的队伍,向军队提供后勤服务.
互联网The familial private enterprise is a mainstream of the current non state - owned enterprise in our country.
家族式的民营企业是当前我国 非公有制 企业的一种主流企业形式.
互联网He works in a state - owned enterprise with a popularly - run nature.
互联网The technicians of the state - owned enterprise will be sent to Germany to have a professional training.
这家 国企 的技师们将被送往德国参加专业培训.
互联网With the integration of global economics, the state - owned enterprise is facing big challenge.
随着全球经济一体化的进程, 国有 企业正面临着严峻的考验.
互联网Is it a private business or a state - owned enterprise? It is a private business.
你的工作单位是私营企业还是 国有 企业?
互联网A state - owned enterprise is big and well - off .
国营 企业家 业大.
《现代汉英综合大词典》One of the company involved is an SOE ( State - Owned Enterprise ) .
涉及到的公司有一家是 国企.
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